Wednesday 8 December 2010

MineCraft Update #2 "Utopia"

Right, since I forgot my keys/pendrive I can't work on Minecraft till i get home so I may as well fill you in on what I'm doing.

Right Utopia is an underground city used for a small role playing portion of our server, it's not mandatory, you can choose at anytime whether or not you wanna RP or not.
At the moment we only have 8 slots but if demand becomes high enough then we will increase this to 24 slots.
As I mentioned before, there are classes now. Here are those classes:

HeadoftheGoods: 1 of the 3 heads. In charge of all food and goods.
HeadoftheHouse: 1 of the 3 heads. In charge of all housing.
HeadoftheArmory: 1 of the 3 heads. In charge of all military and weapons.
Nightwalkers: Walkers of the night surface.
Knight: High ranked guards who protect the 3 heads of Utopia.
MageGuardCaptain:Captain of the Mage Guards.
MageGuard: Magic Guard of Utopia.
GuardCaptain: Captain of the Guards.
CaveRescueTeam: Rescuers of the trapped.
NightwatchGuard: Protector of the night and slayer of monsters.
ArcherGuard: Long range protector of Utopia.
Guard: Protector of Utopia.
PrisonGuard: Guards the prison inmates.
Gatekeeper: Keeper of the entrance gate.
MageKeeper: Keeper of magic.
Banker: Provider and keeper of Money.
Doctor: Healer of Utopia.
Shopkeeper: Keeper of goods and wholesale.
ColonyExpander: Expander of Utopia.
Builder: Builder of Utopia.
Chef: Provider of cooked meals and water.
Mage: User of the magic arts.
Blacksmith: Maker of tools and weapons.
Miner: Collector of materials for Utopia.
Baker: Baker of bread for Utopia.
Farmer: Crop gatherer for Utopia.
Couturier: Maker of the cloth.
Bookmaker: Maker of the books.
Shepard: Keeper of the sheep.
TownCrier: Provider of news for Utopia.
DeliveryMan: Delivers your goods for a fixed price.
Schollar: Reader of the books.
UtopianSlumDweller: Dweller of the slums.
HomelessUtopian: The Homeless of Utopia.
UtopianDrunk: Excessive drinker of Utopia.
Visitor: A visitor of Utopia.
TheExiled: Exiled citizen of Utopia.

Now the first 3 are fixed and cannot be used by Non-Admins. Since there are 3 admins there are 3 Heads of the House, the more admins we get the more Heads of the House there will be.
All the others of course are usable by anyone, by default everyone starts as a Utopian Slum Dweller. It is your choice from there what you wanna become.
You will have to come to the Head of the House to choose your class, he will explain any of the classes before you choose it and also tell you what you must do as that class.
Some classes are locked at the moment. These will be unlocked when needed or when they can be used properly, I.E the doctor and Colony Expander.

As to the layout of Utopia, there will be 4 layers.

Layer 1 will be the slums, home to slum dwellers, homeless, drunks and patrolled by Guards. There will be a soup kitchen down there as well as a shop.

Level 2 will have most of the shops, houses as well as the farms and bio dome. Most of the villagers will live here and will be patrolled by Guards and a Guard Captain as well as Nightwatch Guards at "night".

Level 3 will be home to the barracks, armory and housing for all guards and mages as well as a secondary reservoir which is governed by archer guards.

Level 4 will be where the Houses of the Heads will be as well as the House of the Heads (Government building) and houses for the Knights.

Once I discuse the "laws" for Utopia with the other 2 admins I will post them here in another update as well as some screen shots of the place.

If you have any questions as to what some classes are then don't hesitate to post a comment.

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