Tuesday 25 January 2011

MineCraft Update #4

Today, the newest version of hMod was put onto the server (134) and so far it seems to be working perfectly. Although, please bear in mind this is not an "official" version of hMod, so there may be other problems some time down the line.
Although, as a result, we have been able to set up the server to a state similar to what it was before the last major update. What has changed you asked?
Well, moderating powers that had more purpose as "cheats" than as actual tools have been removed or limited, so we will not be seeing anymore adminium structures popping up anymore, aswell as this, teleporting and warping has been disabled (as it made the game too easy and was the cause of several unfortunate - but hillarious - deaths).
Another good side to this new version of hMod, is that it appears to have reduced the chunk errors everyone has been seeing.

Also, one of the mods that we decided keep (craftbook) appears to not be functioning correctly, although I doubt anyone will notice the difference there. Sadly though, due to this version of hMod being unofficial, it is unlikely that alot of mods will work, so those will have to wait for a while.

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